Xander Collective is a consultancy with a focus on supporting organisations to create and deliver their social investment strategy in an environmentally friendly way as possible.

What Does the Xander Collective Do?
Xander Collective is a consultancy with a focus on supporting organisations to create and deliver their social investment strategy in as an environmentally friendly way as possible.
We will work with your employees to help deliver community impact that is rewarding and sustainable. And we will help you project your brand values and create collective and measurable social goals for your staff, clients and investors.
Through our knowledge, trusted networks and experience of the social sector gained over the last fifteen years, we will help you create a plan for change that is inclusive, dynamic and inspirational.
Who are the Xander Collective?
Over the last fifteen years, our team has worked with businesses, NGOs and charities across the UK and around the world in the development and activation of a wide range of social investment projects, including in partnership with BMW, Clearwater International and UNICEF.
We have also worked closely with a number of sporting celebrities to set up their charitable foundations and understand their social impact priorities, including Bryan Habana, Chris Gayle and Lawrence Dallaglio. These social investment projects have been based in countries as diverse as India, South Africa, the USA, and Brazil.
Our work in the UK has included pioneering work for young people with a disability, the development of green initiatives and support for mental health charities.

How Do We Operate?
We can work with you on all of the following areas in
developing your social investment approach:
- Creating your strategy
- Developing your action plan
- Inspiring your team
- Being sustainable
- Projecting your brand value
How Might We Work With Your Team?
We can use a range of approaches to draw ideas from your team and help create a consensus and dynamism in the creation of your social investment strategy and action plan including targeted workshops, regular check-ins and creative awaydays.
Creating Your Strategy
A strategic plan for your social investment provides a written statement of intent, setting out aims and objectives and a clear understanding of how your activities will help you achieve your goals.
Developing a rewarding, inclusive and sustainable strategy depends on consulting widely within your organisation with the aim of creating a collective understanding of why you are investing your time, money and ideas into a particular social goal.
We have recent experience in helping create social investment strategies for Olly’s Future and New World Tech.

Developing Your Action Plan
A strategy that is well thought through, inclusive in its creation and measurable in its activation makes the delivery of an effective action plan much more likely.
We have experience in creating measurable action plans for a range of organisations, including the Qatar Supreme Committee developing
their 2022 Football World Cup Legacy Programme and Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation in creating a fundraising strategy action plan to help raise much-needed funds to support their range of charities.
This type of planning work is likely to include actions that are clear, measurable and time-limited and focus on the following areas:
Aims | Responsibilities | Partners | Cost | Timeline | Measuring tools
Inspiring Your Team
We can help organisations understand how diverse and inclusive they currently are and how to further develop the diversity of their staff
teams and stakeholders.
We can then build on an organisation’s strengths to further develop inclusive practices and become more diverse in their recruitment, staff
retention and their wider creative thinking.
Organisations we have worked with in the past to understand and develop these areas of work including Euroleague Basketball and the United Business Group.

Being Sustainable
Taking action towards a greener and more sustainable future has obvious global importance but also less obvious benefits for your
These benefits are not always considered in relation to the development and activation of an organisation’s social investment strategy and there are a number of ways we can help you understand and activate this critical element.
As examples, we have worked with The Garden Army and FindRugby Now to become more sustainable in areas such as the activation of their team away days, training and fundraising events and challenges.